Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Fun!

Fall is here in full and we are enjoying the lovely weather that we have been blessed with.  The trees were beautiful with color this year and soon they will all be empty.  It's been an amazing time so far and can't wait to see what is in store for the rest of the fall.  We have been busy with some fun things this past month, hope you enjoy!
Flag foot ball is coming to an end so we needed to take advantage of the nice night we were given.
2nd place in their grade level.  Couldn't be happier for our big football player.
We let Jayden stay up late one weekend night and asked him what we should do.  We decided it was a great night for a night walk with our flashlights.  It was a very fun walk.
A train came through (sorry for the quality of the picture), but it was really cool how it looks like the train has lights under it, but really to our eye there was no light.
Our attempt to get a picture together.
So what does one do with left over bird seed?  Let your child make a critter trap.
Jayden had lots of fun trapping the local squirrels and chipmunks and then releasing them.
Our annual cousin pumpkin carving night was a hit again.  Jayden loves to create a new design every year.
All of us and our creations.
My friend Amy and I took the kids to little farmer for another one of our crazy adventures.  It was cold, but we braved through it.
The kids just having fun.
Caramel Apple reward at the end of the day.
Domino fun!
Playing outside with the best of buds!
Love these kids and can't wait for Claudia to get bigger to join in.
We were able to sign Jayden up for Karate, so here he is with another classmate learning the respect for the mat on the first day of class.
My weekend to work and the boys go to explore.  They found some birch bark for starting fires from fallen trees.  Our Hobo Jayden.
Happy Halloween from our Ninja!

The beautiful sky on Halloween night.  Made trick-or-treating that more special.

Until next time,
Jeff, Heather, Jayden and Baby