Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This month we have had lots of fun and hope that you all have too.  We know that the weather hasn't been the nicest here in Wisconsin, but we tried to make the most of it.  Looking forward to a little warmer temps, but we are all good with what ever comes our way.  As long as we can be together as a family, what difference does it matter.
Jayden's Nature Ranger class this month was all about Maple Syrup.  We learned a little about their adopt a bucket program, decorated a bucket and took a hike out to the Sugar bush.  The other kids in the picture are a family that we usually share a table with.
Here is Jayden drilling into the Maple tree so when it warms up, the sap should run.
Quiz time...how many gallons of sap does it take to make 1 gallon of syrup?  40 gallons.  Jayden is enjoying some syrup on ice cream.  What a wonderful and yummy treat after the big hike.
Time for some fun at the farm.  We went sledding on the hills and enjoyed it greatly.
Jayden found a kitty and actually was able to pick this one up.  He loves to look in the barn for all the kitties.
Grandma and Grandpa Stoffel posing with Jayden for a candid farm shot.
Oh yes, I did talk my mom into going sledding with Jayden.  Guess you can still act like a kid even if you have a mile stone birthday around the corner.

Jayden showing Grant the lady bugs he found on the window.  Lets just say that the lady bugs don't have a chance around Grant.  I'm sure Jayden will be showing more bugs and critters to come.
We were able to go as a family to the Shrine Circus.  Jeff and Jayden never have gone so it was a lot of fun.
When the lights are out.
The elephants...one of the favorite parts of the show for all of us.

On my weekend to work, Jeff took Jayden to a storm chasers class.  They were on TV and Jayden thinks he is famous now!

We had Grant over for a sleep over and loved it!  Here are the boys snuggling in and getting cozy.

Perfect snack for St. Patrick's Day!

A project for the kids at school.  They had a lot of fun!

Jayden wanted to help us paint the kitchen and he was loving it!


Here are few pictures of our new kitchen...still in the works yet.

Grant and Me hanging out.

Until next time,
Jeff, Heather and Jayden

Sunday, March 2, 2014

6 More Weeks of Winter

The Ground Hog predicted 6 more weeks of winter so that means more indoor fun.
Jayden attended another Nature Ranger class the beginning of the month about birds.  Jeff and I were both lucky enough to attend the class with him.  We were able to go out on the trails to see if we could find any birds, but only seen a few since the weather was a little brisk.  The wood peckers were out and some song birds.  The coolest part of the class was when the kids were able to dissect an owl pellet.  Jayden and another kid are looking into what the owl ate and decided it had to be mice.
Jayden proud of his dissection.
The special guest that came to the class.  We learned a lot about owls and really neat to see one so close.
Best buddies!  What they do best on the way to school!
 Here is Grant trying to help me clean.  Well, not really.  He just loves the vacuum and tipping it over and riding it.

The 100th day of school!  Mrs. Cust's neighbor was a special guest and read to the kids.  They love when Ms. Janet comes and reads to them along with the special treats she brings.
Silly picture!
Jayden's teacher Mrs. Cust is an amazing teacher.  I love that she lets me hang out in the class and have a little fun with them.  Mrs. Cust read a book to them called "The Snow Globe Family" and then they had to journal about what it would be like if they lived in a snow globe and here is how they turned out.

And here is Jayden's!  You may have figured out that I came up with this lesson for the class.  Loved the idea and just had to do it!

Making a snow bed...pretty cozy, but a little chilly.

One of our beautiful snow storms.  We are starting to look forward to spring, but we still have a little winter left I guess.  The snow is defiantly better than ice, so bring it on.  Plus the snow is tons of fun.

Just a pretty look at one of the pines.

Jayden enjoying every minute he gets outside in the snow.

The start of our kitchen remodel.


Start of finished product.

We hope you all have a wonderful month and look forward to another few weeks of fun!

Until next time...
Jeff, Heather and Jayden