We hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season as we have. I will keep it short and sweet and hope that you enjoy all the great adventures we have done.
Grant turned 1! As you can see he enjoyed his cupcake greatly.
Jayden recieved this award. So proud of him. His teacher let it be a surprise and he loved it.
We had to celebrate Christmas early with my family since I worked Christmas day. Here are the boys waiting patiently to open a many gifts.
We will take this gift any day! What a wonderful person Jayden is turning into.
This is one of many silly face pictures that I took of Jayden. He insisted that we take them so time would go faster for everyone to arrive Christmas Eve.
Jayden and Gabbi waiting to open gifts. Oh did they enjoy every gift and it was so enjoyable watching them open.
Love this picture of Jayden and Great Grandma!
The guys didn't want anything to do with pictures, but the kids we great sports. We sure enjoyed ourselves and the great food on Christmas Eve. Very happy that we can have everyone over to celebrate every year.
Gotta love the poses of Gabbi!
Christmas Morning at 5am. Excited to see what Santa brought.
Santa enjoyed his treat.
Santa brought this lego train set along with many other things. Think this topped the list this year.
Chad and Stephanie! We took a trip to Nordic Mountain to enjoy the 34 degree weather and ski. It was my first time and didn't do to bad.
Snow at the ski hill.
We survived! No broken bones. We both only fell 3 times. Didn't think that was bad for my first time.
Stephanie and I had a blast. A new yearly tradition.
Making pottery with his new pottery wheel. I love to watch Jayden while he is in his creative mode. He is thinking so hard yet so excited for how it will turn out.
Happy Holidays!
Jeff, Heather and Jayden